Sunday, October 10, 2010

Our first trip to the Pumpkin Patch

Yesterday we took Grace out to the pumpkin patch at the Chatfield Botanic Gardens. We had a good time checking out the pumpkins and walking around. It was also a perfect fall day here minus the wind - it was finally below 80 here. Grace sported her pumpkin shirt and her a bit too small pumpkin hat that I had gotten her last year. She was a hit. I swear if I had a $1 for every time people say she is so cute, I would be rich! Here are some photos.

One of Grace's new tricks is that she acts like she is talking on the phone. It is too cute as she walks around with the phone up to her ear talking away.

Grace has one final message this morning - Go Bears!


  1. She's so darn cute!! Where did you get that hat?

  2. I got it on ebay last year. They have them at Gymboree and maybe Babies r us too. And thank you!

  3. she is TOO cute! what a sweet smile! I may have to stalk a pumpkin hat for my little guy now.
