Friday, October 30, 2009

Surgery Update

So it looks like Grace will be having her next surgery on Wednesday, November 4th. We don't have a time yet as Dr. Oliver is not an official pediatric doctor at Children's so he has to fight, if you will, for surgery space and time. We likely won't know the time until the day before as her surgery will go in as an "urgent" case to get a room. So, no matter what keep Grace in your thoughts and prayers on Wednesday.

On another note, I got another snow day yesterday (sadly Brian had to work) and Grace & I played all day. Grace has been full of smiles all the time lately. It has been great! She even has a little giggle now. Of course when I brought out the camera to capture them - she stopped - the little stinker! She also tried out her exersaucer yesterday and seemed to like it. I am sure she will spend many hours in that thing down the road. Pictures to come of her playing.

Have a great weekend!

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