Thursday, December 23, 2010

Holiday Photo Shoot

My good friend Ann of Ann Goldenberg Photography did a quick photo shoot of Grace for our Christmas cards. The day we went Grace was not in the mood to smile, but somehow Ann captured some great shots. And Grace's lovie got in on the action too - she loves her lovie and it was the one thing that got her to stop being fussy for a bit. 

Now that my Christmas cards are all in the mail - finally - I thought I would share some of the great photos Ann got of Grace. It amazes me how she looks like a little girl now - when did she get so big?!

We want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Santa Claus!

Well, we headed out to downtown Denver today to see Santa Claus. I did some research and found out the Santa at Larimer Square was completely free, which was a huge bonus. And two, I figured since this Santa wasn't in a mall we had a good chance of not having to wait too long.

First off, at lunch we discovered Grace likes ranch - no scratch that - LOVES ranch dressing. The waitress brought her food and had ranch with her veggies. So instead of eating the veggies (which she can't really yet anyway since it was celery and carrots and those are tough), she used her celery as a spoon to eat the ranch. And then used her spoon to eat the ranch...forget ketchup, we have a ranch lover!

We had lunch then walked over to see Santa. We had to wait about 20 minutes, but Grace was a trooper walking around in the great Colorado sunshine today. Is it really December? It was 60 here today!

Meeting Mrs. Claus...she doesn't seem so bad...

Santa though, Grace wasn't so into him....

Seriously Santa, I don't need any gifts, I'm out of here.

While she wasn't wild about Santa this year, he did give her a little rubber duck that was she was pretty excited about and showed him off up and down Larimer Square as we walked around.

And Santa, if you are reading this, no need to get Grace toys. She more or less loves boxes these days.

Happy Christmas week!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

I gotta a feeling...

Grace loves the song "I got a feeling" by the Black Eyed Peas. The second it comes on she starts moving. She is very into music right now - her dance moves are quite cute. Here is a short video of her moves. She tends to stop moving the second I turn the camera on, but I caught some of them the other day. Enjoy!


Last week Grace and her friends celebrated Chrismakuh.  Last year there were just 3 kids, this year we had 3 new babies added to the crew - Isaiah, Emerson and Colin. We all got together for brunch and to eat some good food. It was a fun time and it is always wonderful to be with my best girlfriends. It is pretty amazing to see how much we have all changed and how our lives are so crazy now, but when we get together it is just like it was 10 years ago. It is hard to find wonderful friends like that.

Now for the fun photos!

Grace eating with the big kids, Ben & Avery.

Loving presents - well the paper mostly.

Cute little Emerson.

Avery showing us her moves.

Isaiah opening his first Chrismakuh gift.

Aunt Raya - aka the baby whisperer - working her magic on Colin.

The next few photos was our attempt to get a group shot of the kids...needless to say they were not into it. Although Emerson, Avery & Colin were angels and Avery was trying to get the younger kids under control. It was actually pretty humorous to watch this pan out...oh well maybe next year we will get a better photo.

Here is Sarah with almost 4 week old Colin.

We had lots of fun at Chrismakuh this year and we can't wait for the celebrations over the years to come.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010

Grace loved being able to eat turkey this year with us. She sat at the dining room table and Grandma G even trusted her enough to put her food on one of the fancy china plates. While Grace liked the turkey, stuffing and mashed potatoes, she LOVED the cranberries. She couldn't get enough of them. She also enjoyed a little pumpkin pie and chocolate pudding pie with home made whipped cream. Needless to say I think she enjoyed Thanksgiving this year and probably will for years to come.

I like...

Grace is doing so many fun things these days it is hard to keep up. So I thought I would do a little photo narrative of things she likes to do. So, here we go.

I like spaghetti...

No wait, I LOVE spaghetti - I will lick the bowl clean.

I like wearing my mittens.

And wearing my winter coat that is way to big.

I like to push my stroller.

I like to walk in mommy's shoes.

I love running around outside - or as I call it 'side.

I like to play with Aunty K.

I like to try and use the doggie door when at Grandma's house.

I really like licking the mashed potatoes off the beater.

I like to play with Grandma G. She is pretty funny. 

I like to open presents.

I like to pull ornaments off of GG's Christmas tree.

And I still like Sophie.

As you can see Grace likes lots of stuff and is one busy gal!